Reviews and Excerpts

Reviews for Disruptive Witness are trickling in at Goodreads, meanwhile I was deeply encouraged by the in-depth review by bookseller and critic, Byron Borger over at Hearts and Minds books

“We may not even realize how much we’ve breathed the air of “this secular age” and its pressures and styles and forms and attitudes — not just the ideas! – until we read Noble’s descriptions and allow him to remind us how complicated it may be to share God’s goodness and the message of Christ’s Kingdom with others in this distracted age.”

— Byron Borger

George P. Wood, writing for Influence Magazine had a shorter but also positive review: "Disruptive Witness is a timely, relevant work of cultural diagnosis, thought-provoking even if you don’t agree with all of Noble’s prescriptions." On Monday the Influence podcast will release and interview with me about the book. 

If you have been interested in reading an excerpt from Disruptive WitnessFacts & Trends magazine has published one


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